Saturday, February 26, 2011

"The Talk"

Many children today seem to get their ideas and views about sex from others beside their own parents.  For the most part, these sources are not reliable sources for information regarding such a sacred matter.  It is the parent's responsibility to approach the subject of sex with their children.  This begins at an early age.  Children don't need to know everything from the get-go, but they should be taught what is appropriate for their developmental age.
Another topic that we discussed during class that I thought was interesting was girls' nights.  Were I live here in Rexburg, they are very popular among the married folks.  They turn out to be complaining sessions, not just about husbands, but also about other women.  When this observation was brought up, it rang very true to me.  Girls' nights don't create unity between spouses, instead, they create disunity.  One observation that I have noticed among those that are married is how much time they spend with their "best friend" rather than their spouse.  My husband and I have discussed how amazing it is that we see some women with their "best friend"more than I see them with their spouse.  Whether it's to go shopping or have a night out.  I understand that breaks are needed, but from the outside looking in, it seems that many women take that too far and forget to develop the relationship with their spouse.  I am grateful that my parents taught me early that where the family is, that's where you belong.  You don't have to be socializing with your friends to feel needed or loved.  Ultimately, you should get this from the Lord and your family.

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