Saturday, April 2, 2011


One concept that stood out to me this week on divorce and remarriage was that sometimes parents hide major arguments from their children.  Then when they announce that they are getting a divorce, the children are caught off guard.  In the future, they will most likely be on edge because in their mind, even good marriages end in divorce.  I thought that this was interesting, but a concept that made sense to me. 
Another interesting fact that I learned was that approximately 70 percent of divorcees believe that they made a mistake two years later.  To me, this emphasizes the point that divorce is really not the typical solution for a troubled marriage.  Working through problems and learning to love each other is a much better option for the parents as well as the children involved.  This also relates to what I learned in my Marriage class.  In that class, I learned that 80 percent of couples who say that they are unhappy in their marriage will end up saying they are happy or very happy in five years.  From these facts, it seems that staying together for many couples is a far better option. The children do better as well instead of being shuffled between mom and dad.